The Wait #6

Yahweh Yirah, the Lord will provide

Each of us has received a gift. Use your gift to serve one another. When we use our gifts to serve others we are being good stewards of God’s goodness in our lives.

If you speak with wisdom or words of knowledge, speak. If you serve as one who serves, serves with God’s strength, without grumbling, and with a happy heart. Whatever gift you have, use it so that God may be glorified through the gift of God inside of you.

Our posture changes when we use our gifts to serve others. It turns our eyes outside of our circumstances allowing us to see others. When we see others God often uses them to speak powerfully into our lives. It is these words He uses to minister to our hearts. Posture yourself to receive from those around you. 

Lean in. Posture yourself to hear, and he will speak.