Esther – Day #1

Esther is the last of the historical books in the Bible. Esther was a prophetess fiercely loved by God. God used her to save His people.

Esther lived in the time of King Xerxes. It was a time when women were meant to not be seen unless summoned. They did not have a voice.

Esther’s predecessor, Queen Vashti was a woman of great beauty. King Xerxes summoned her to show off her great beauty to his guests at a feast. Queen Vashti declined his invitation. King Xerxes became angry and did what we all do. Went to his friends to complain and get council about how to handle the situation.

After King Xerxes spoke with his friends he proclaimed throughout the kingdom his search for a new Queen.

Queen Vashti would never grace the King’s presence again. He would give her a position to another who was better than she. This pleased the King’s heart and appeased his friends.

The search began for a new Queen.

How different the lives of women were back then. Can you imagine getting into a fight with your husband, and him, without talking to you, putting out a search on social media for a new wife? Unthinkable!
Thank you Jesus that you came and set a new example of how a husband is to love a wife.

Esther 1 ESV