Esther – Day #2

After King Xerxes’ anger had subsided he remembered Queen Vashti. God softened his heart toward her as he thought about the harshness of what he had decided against her. As he reflected on the situation I believe he found a new grace for her.

How often is it that after we respond in anger, and the emotions that caused the anger ebb away we have more grace for the situation. 

When my kids were little I found myself easily angered. I brought the fullness of my authority down on them because at the moment it seems like the right thing to do. But God in his infinite wisdom would come to me as my emotions would settle and my reasoning returned. I would often find myself remorseful and having to apologize.

Relationships are God’s training ground of refinement. He uses them to show us the areas we need to grow in. 

Thank you Father for your grace and patience with us. May we remember your grace as I raise our children, love our spouses, and walk in our friendships.

Esther 2