Esther – Day #3

The king’s search began. A call went out to search the kingdom for all of the beautiful, young virgins. There was a person appointed for each province in the kingdom whose job it was to gather the women and bring them to Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who was in charge of those who could potentially be chosen as the next queen. The new queen who was to be appointed had to go through a year process before they could be presented to the king.

Esther’s parents had died and she was in the care of her uncle, Mordecai. The Bible says she was lovely to look at and had a beautiful figure. When the king’s edict went out Esther responded, was taken, and put in the custody of Hegai.

Esther pleased Hegai and found favor with him. He provided for her every need and advanced her to the best place in the harem.

Esther quickly found favor with all who saw her. When she went before Xerxes, the king, she found favor in his sight. So he chose her to be Queen replacing Vashti.

When God appoints you for a role believe the full favor of heaven is behind you. There will be ease in the process. Wisdom will be given in how to walk it out.  God is for you.

Esther 2