Esther – Day #4

Esther and Song of Solomon are the only books in the Bible that do not mention God by name. He is implied.

The story of Esther continues towards its climax with Esther honoring her parent.  God’s plan was not known to Esther or Mordecai, but because Esther honored her uncle God then set his plan into motion using these two available people. God doesn’t have to use us to accomplish His plans, He chooses to.

So one day Mordecai was sitting at the king’s gate. He overheard two of the king’s eunuchs conspiring to kill King Xerxes. Mordecai told Esther who in turn went to Xerxes. The matter was investigated and found to be true. The king was saved and the two eunuchs were hung for their treasonous plans.

All things of great importance were recorded in a book of chronicles. These recordings were the way that a scribe could read back what had been recorded to the king for remembrance.

This is where Esther chapter 2 ends. Setting the stage for the climax of Esther. God’s handiwork desiring to be on display. For His people are always on His mind.

Esther 2.