Esther – Day #7

Fear of the unknown is something that tormented me for many years. My husband used to travel often for work leaving me and our two small children at home. One of my coping mechanisms was to plan my life out if he didn’t come back from his trip. 

I remember being so seized from fear that I rationalized how I was thinking as logical and smart. In reality, it revealed my lack of trust in God. Instead of taking my fear to the feet of the Father I hung onto it and used it as an excuse. Instead, I should’ve trusted my husband to the Lord.

Ester knew what it was to be seized by great fear. It seemed like an impossible situation. Her position could not protect her. Her nationality would become known. If she would have allowed fear to guide her I imagine that the enemy would’ve convinced her to stay silent, and the ending to this book would’ve looked much different.

Esther didn’t stay silent. She did not let fear control her.  I’m sure she still felt fear, but she didn’t let it control her. She asked all of the Jews to pray and fast.  Believing that the favor of God would be with them.