The Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 Woman – Day#11

The Proverbs 31 woman is generous. She sees a need and fulfills it. One Bible translation says she has, “extravagant generosity.”

Do you have people in your life that are always thinking of others? It is not just an occasion it is an all the time, you don’t have to speak your needs are just known to them. The Holy Spirit uses them. He whispers to them revealing some unknown need, they are obedient to listen for his whisper and the result is your needs are met, and you feel seen and loved by your heavenly Father because they gave.

The gift of generosity can be innate or learned. Ask the Father to give you a heart of generosity. He will respond by giving you new eyes to see those around you.

Proverbs 31:20 AMP