Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day #9

This proverb compares the goodness of the drippings of honey to the sweetness of wisdom. Just as honey is sweet to our mouths, wisdom is good for an entire person’s life. I ask for wisdom often, and the understanding situations I wait on the Lord for His wisdom that...
Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day #8

God desires to provide His people with good things they will enjoy. In Psalm 81 God is appealing to Israel. He is calling out asking them to praise Him with songs and instruments. Israel has once again chosen a path away from God. God is calling them back. Reminding...
Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day #7

This passage in Deuteronomy is a song of Moses for the Israelite people. God has always been faithful, but the Bible shows us that often the Israelites would get impatient and move in their own strength instead of waiting on the Lord. Doing things in their own...
Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day#6

Proverbs is full of wisdom. Walking in wisdom means practicing self-control. I looooove chocolate. The darker the better. I am acutely aware though that when I get stressed or have a bad day that I will turn to a piece of chocolate that releases in my body endorphins,...
Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day #5

Leviticus 2 talks about the rules and procedures for bringing different types of grain offerings. A grain offering was a less expensive type of offering. Therefore, this type of offering would’ve been brought by someone who was poor. The word for a person who would...
Honey – Day #9

Honey – Day #4

Manna was God’s design for provision for his people. Yahweh Yirah, the Lord will provide, and He did. Manna every morning. Quail every night. Despite the crisis that was happening in the lad after the Israelites left Egypt. God provided manna. The bible says Manna...