Astonished #1

To astonish is to greatly surprise or impress (someone) greatly. Merriam-Webster defines astonished as a feeling or showing of great surprise or wonder: astounded, amazed.

In I Kings Solomon had finished building the Temple of the Lord. The Lord appeared to Solomon yet once again. In this appearance, the Lord confirmed hearing Solomon’s cry to consecrate the Temple for the Lord. Solomon desired the pleasure of the Lord so the Holy Spirit would fill the temple.

The Lord’s response is beautiful, but also comes with a condition. The Lord desires his heart but also knows the condition of the human heart he Created.

The Lord promises to seal His name on the House of the Lord that Soloman has had built as long as he walks with the integrity following all of the Lord’s commands. If Soloman does this the Lord promises that he and his family will be blessed for generations to come.

But if not, God would cut off Israel from the land, and the House of the Lord in such an astonishing way that those who would pass by would be astonished at the power of the Lord. 

The Lord desires to astonish us with his power and glory once again. Revive our land. Restore the fortunes of your people. Psalms 126:1 says this, “It was like a dream come true when you freed us from our bondage and brought us back to Zion!”

Forgive us, Lord! Have mercy on your people We give you our whole hearts. Consecrate your people once again, and teach us your ways. We desire you more than anything else because you are the bondage breaker.

I Kings 9:8 ESV
And this house will become a heap of ruins. Everyone passing by it will be astonished and will hiss, and they will say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?’