Astonished – Day #12

I have been reading the Bible most of my life. As I was in the word this morning asking the Lord what He wanted to say He brought me to the scriptures in Acts 12.

Herod was King. He was persecuting the church. He had killed James, the brother of John with a sword, and because it pleased the Jewish people arrested Peter as well. Herod’s intention was to kill Peter after the Passover, but God astonished us with his sovereign power.

The church in Judah was constantly praying for Peter. Peter was in prison, chained and shackled between two soldiers. With more guards at the door to his cell. They weren’t taking any chances after hearing of one of their previous experiences where this man’s worship shook the prison until the doors came off. They were prepared. Ready. But God astonished them with His sovereignty.

The Scriptures say that an angel of the Lord struck Peter waking Him from sleep. The chains fell off of his hands. The angel of the Lord told him to get dressed and led him out of the prison to the city gates which opened on their own. As soon as Peter walked out of the city gates the angel departed from him.

Thinking he was seeing a vision Peter finally came to himself and was astonished by the power and love God expressed for him by delivering him out of prison and away from King Herod.

There is nothing your God will not do for you. I was reminded just how much God loves His people He is still doing these astonishing miracles today. Give us eyes Lord to see your miracles, and recognize what they are.

Acts 12:16 NKJV
Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.