Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #10

God is for us. He hears our every prayer. Jeremiah 33:33 says, “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Esther could not have known God’s plan for her, and her family. Her prayers and fasting moved the hand of...
Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #9

Esther fasted and asked the Jewish people to join her. On the final day of the fast Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of King Xerxes palace opposite his throne room. King Xerxes’ throne would’ve faced the main entrance of the palace.God opened...
Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #8

How many times in our lives have we had the opportunity to help someone but chose not to. It may even be someone we know, and although we didn’t help when we had the opportunity we watched God work out their need for them well. God’s plans are sovereign. Detailed out...
Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #7

Fear of the unknown is something that tormented me for many years. My husband used to travel often for work leaving me and our two small children at home. One of my coping mechanisms was to plan my life out if he didn’t come back from his trip.  I remember being so...
Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #6

Well, that is exactly what King Xerxes had done. Not realizing that his new Queen was a Jew he sent out the edict, but God had a plan. He used Mordecai to challenge Esther. “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” God had...
Esther – Day #10

Esther – Day #5

The plans of God are often left unseen until the story comes to a close, or the chapter ends. The divine nature of our creator knows that if we could see the ending from the beginning we would try in our own strength and strategies to get to the end goal as fast as...