Esther – Day #4

Esther – Day #4

Esther and Song of Solomon are the only books in the Bible that do not mention God by name. He is implied. The story of Esther continues towards its climax with Esther honoring her parent.  God’s plan was not known to Esther or Mordecai, but because Esther honored her...
Esther – Day #4

Esther – Day #3

The king’s search began. A call went out to search the kingdom for all of the beautiful, young virgins. There was a person appointed for each province in the kingdom whose job it was to gather the women and bring them to Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who was in...
Esther – Day #4

Esther – Day #2

After King Xerxes’ anger had subsided he remembered Queen Vashti. God softened his heart toward her as he thought about the harshness of what he had decided against her. As he reflected on the situation I believe he found a new grace for her. How often is it that...
Esther – Day #4

Esther – Day #1

Esther is the last of the historical books in the Bible. Esther was a prophetess fiercely loved by God. God used her to save His people. Esther lived in the time of King Xerxes. It was a time when women were meant to not be seen unless summoned. They did not have a...