Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #8

Paul addresses the unmarried believers in the Corinthian church in I Corinthians 7:36. This is a different way to use bloom than we’ve seen with the Old Testament scriptures we’ve highlighted. So far the word has been used to reference the bloom that happens in...
Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #7

God brings restoration. His restoration comes with the promise of abundance. In Joel 2 the promise that God’s people receive is that they will be abundantly satisfied through the blessing of His Spirit. God promised to defeat Israel’s enemies and compares the defeat...
Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #6

The reign of our God brings peace in the natural. No lion or ferocious wild beast will destroy God’s peace for the redeemed that walk there. The place of peace causes the withering away of the other places. The glory of God bringing transformation to the wilderness....
Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #5

Your season has changed. Spring has arrived. The bondage of your barren winter has ended. Your season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have come and soaked the earth. The wind has caught and broken off anything that was dead, and what has died has been taken...
Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #4

Solomon was responsible for judging legal disputes and preventing oppression. A righteous ruler brings peace and blessing upon the nation and lands under his authority. The blessings are found in the harvest of the land and his people increased in number. The blessing...
Bloom – Day #8

Bloom – Day #3

Soloman was chosen by God to build His temple. In I Kings 6 the building of the temple begins. There was such detail taken with each part of the building process, and the Bible talks about the detail so we can see it in our mind’s eye. From the inner sanctuary to the...