The Wait #7

The Wait #7

I remember the day I boarded a plane to head off to college. My dream in hand, and my vision set. I had goals I desired to accomplish. I was idealistic and naive for sure because what I didn’t know was God’s plans and purposes for me were grander than I could ever...
The Wait #7

The Wait #6

Yahweh Yirah, the Lord will provide Each of us has received a gift. Use your gift to serve one another. When we use our gifts to serve others we are being good stewards of God’s goodness in our lives. If you speak with wisdom or words of knowledge, speak. If you serve...
The Wait #7

The Wait #5

I wait expectantly for the Lord to move. It is the deep longing of my soul. All night my soul longs for you Lord. My spirit seeking the heart of the Father diligently. Hoping that through the journey those around me will learn of his righteousness and see His glory...
The Wait #7

The Wait #4

Posture in the Wait The word posture is defined as the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting or a particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude ( The Lord has been asking me what...
The Wait #7

The Wait – #3

In the wait, it can be hard to remember the larger picture of life. God has plans and purposes for each of us, but during the time of waiting, we can become consumed with what we are waiting for in such a way that the thing we are waiting for can monopolize our mind....
The Wait #7

The Wait – #2

There is joy in the wait. James 1 talks about taking time in the wait to find joy. Joy can be hard to cultivate when our focus is on something we consider to be of great importance. We tend to take our eyes off of the Lord and put them on the road in front of us. When...